Meet Your Mentor.

Have world renowned Dancer and Choreographer Dylan Mayoral as your Mentor!

Sign Up for Mayoral Mentorship

How Does It Work?

Step 1: Sign up for Mayoral Mentorship via our subscriptions page

Step 2: Within 24 hours you will receive an email asking to download the app 'Telegram' and add Dylan Mayoral directly.

Step 3: Have initial zoom meeting with Dylan discussing goals and to create a plan.

Step 4: Enjoy the platform, take classes and send video of you performing the choreography to Dylan via telegram no later than Saturday.

Step 5: Receive a review for your class and GROW! (Reviews are sent every Sunday)

A Taster.

Wondering what it may look like to receive feedback via video? check this out!

Get started now

Take your growth to the next level.

Sign Up for Mayoral Mentorship